
Solar Rooftops

What is Solar Net Metering?

Modern solar rooftops operate on a net metering system.



Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity



The inverter converts the electricity from DC to AC power for use in your building, and collects data about the energy to send to monitoring software



The energy is used in your building



Excess energy is sent to the electrical grid. When the building energy demand is greater than the supply from the solar panels, energy is pulled from the grid



Your meter measures energy sent to the grid and used from the grid, and calculates the net balance

Rethink power.
It pays.

Demand for power continues to rise.

As do the costs to deliver that power to you. These costs are predicted to rise by 4% each year. 

Solar rooftops leverage this demand to create a new way of generating value. Priced as upfront costs, solar dramatically reduces your cost per kWh over the lifespan of the system. 

Think of it as paying your utility bills up front. Over time, the cost per kWh averages down to a rate well under today’s averages – and increases by at least 4% year over year, for 25 years. 

The returns are dramatic, covering the cost of the system entirely and providing a generous return.

We all know that the cost of power is more than dollars on a statement.

Our future generations rely on decisions we make today. Each year, a 30kW solar installation (average for small business) produces enough power to offset 7.7 tonnes of C02, equivalent to planting 1.8 acres of forest or removing 1.5 fossil fuel cars from the road. 

Generating positive change is not only good for the future. It elevates your brand and its relationship to customers, suppliers and partners.

VCT Group’s solar energy systems have produced over $50 million in electricity, saving 3000 tonnes of carbon annually.

Your carbon footprint.

Build your future.

We believe in brands and customers that push the boundaries of what is possible today.

You think for the future and drive your vision outwards, capturing the minds of your customers and peers. If you believe in renewable energy, and want to create better financial efficacy in your business or home, solar is the highest return on investment possible. 

A positive return for a better future.