Restore your Solar Tracker
Solar technology has come a long way since your tracker was constructed.
Innovations in DC to AC power conversion, solar panel capability, and improved control & monitoring will increase the reliability and efficiency of your system. By refurbishing your tracker with the latest technology, you can eliminate costly downtime and restore your system’s productivity – now and into the future.
Replace broken and degraded panels
Over time, small losses from normal wear and tear and broken panels can add up. By replacing degraded and broken panels you can restore your system’s original efficiency. Modern solar panels have improved lifetimes and come with long warranties for your peace of mind.
Single inverter replacement
While an industry standard at the time, the DC to AC micro inverters installed on your system have since proven to experience high failure rates and are being phased out. We replace all the micro inverters on your system with a single string inverter, increasing the reliability and efficiency of your system.
Enhanced tracking
If your current control system can only activate one of its two tracking motors at a time, we can replace it with a premium FACT (Frommer Automation Control Technology) tracking computer that can adjust both axes at the same time. Get more accurate and responsive tracking, and quicker stowing in bad weather.
Contact us today for a Free Tracker Assessment & learn more about the benefits of refurbishment.
TALK TO US TODAY – OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE Joseph Echebi 519.279.4630 ext. 109